
The latest Mining sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Africa.

Latest Mining Corporate Stories

Mopani Copper Mines : Placing Prosperity in Zambian Hands

The Executive Team at Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) discuss a copper-fuelled future for Zambia and their ambitious mission of ‘Making Mopani Great Again’.

Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions: Digital Mining Evolution

We talk to Dr. Wilfred Barkhuizen, CEO of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, about its expanding digitalisation in the field.

Boart Longyear : Bouncing Back Better

Jeff Olsen, CEO at Boart Longyear Limited (ASX: BLY), discusses how his firm has overcome significant challenges to become a major player in drilling services.

Base Titanium: Empowering Women Across Africa

Empowering Women Across AfricaDr. Melba K. Wasunna, External Affairs Manager at Base Titanium, discusses the role of women in mining and her belief that while significant strides have been made, it’s only the beginning   Writer: Sean Galea-Pace  Dr. Melba Wasunna certainly has her hands full.  Despite her day job as External Affairs Manager at Base Titanium, she serves as the Chairperson for the Association of Women in Energy and Extractives in Kenya (AWEIK), while also working as the Vice Chairperson of the Energy and Extractives Sector Board at the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA). Base Titanium is Kenya’s largest mining organisation, representing 65 percent of the total value of the company’s minerals production. Located in Kwale County, Base Titanium operates Kenya’s biggest mine, which was officially awarded flagship project status under Kenya’s Vision 2030 national development blueprint.  “Base Titanium has been instrumental in opening up Kenya’s mining sector,” explains Wasunna. “Before this, we had really small mines and not much of an industry to speak of. However, since the introduction of Base Titanium, we’ve managed to have a largely successful operation with fantastic community engagement. We’ve had no contentious mining issues or protests against us, which has been satisfying.  “Base Titanium is an industry-leader in Kenya. At the very beginning, a large percentage of our workers were expatriates, however, since that time that figure has changed dramatically and today our workforce is 99 percent Kenyan. We are leading the way not only in terms of the minerals that we mine, but also in setting the standard in the country.”  AWEIK is an…

The Future of African Mining

Future, Technology, Africa, Mining, Digital, Transformation

Redpath Mining Africa : Mining in South Africa

We spoke to Lawrence Schultz, Managing Director of Redpath Africa Limited, about the company’s projects and community-centric operations.

Trevali : Base-Metal Mining

Christo Horn, Vice President of Operations at Trevali, discusses the global organisation’s latest projects and future plans within a promising mining sector.

PW Mining : Showing Africa the Way

We speak with PW Mining to discuss the execution of projects for major clients in the gold mining and the oil and gas sector.

GIBB Mining : Mining with Clients at the Core

South Africa is a nation of abundant natural resources and a growing mining industry. We speak with Alan Wingrove, Managing Director of GIBB Mining, about the company’s provision of mining consultancy services across the country and beyond.

Dangote Cement Pan Africa Special 2021

VIEW THE Dangote Cement Pan Africa Special 2021 BROCHURE