Local Government

Latest Local Government sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Africa.

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Latest Local Government Corporate Stories

City of Windhoek : Namibia’s Urban Centre

Striving to be a sustainable and caring city by 2027, we explore the ways in which the City of Windhoek enhances the quality of life for its people and facilitates socioeconomic growth.

How Standard Chartered is leading the war on wildlife crime

Standard Chartered's Southern Africa CEO Jerry Kweku Bedu-Addo is determined to win the war on wildlife crime, leveraging the power of the company to hit criminals where it hurts the most – their bank accounts

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality : Powering Port Elizabeth

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality continues to invest in and provide vital services to residents and businesses, built around a five-year development plan.

Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality : Unlocking Sustainable Growth

Maluti-A-Phofung (MAP) Local Municipality – situated in the Free State Province of South Africa – is targeting a more equitable, sustainable, healthy and crime-free societal future.

eThekwini Municipality : A Smart and Caring City

As one of the most significant regions of, historically, Africa’s most economically significant country, eThekwini Municipality in South Africa continues to work towards its 2030 vision of becoming the most caring and liveable city in the country.

Amathole District Municipality : Building on Historical Heritage

Amathole District Municipality are committed towards selfless, excellent and sustainable service to all their communities.

City Of Johannesburg Metro Municipality

the late Nelson Mandela described Johannesburg as the city of “vibrancy and activity, the centre of our country’s prosperity, providing that opportunity to create a better life for all.”

Ugu District Municipality

Ugu District Municipality offers its public socio-economic opportunities and high quality residential services.

Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality : At the Heart of it

Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality is a category A municipality with a vibrant and strong economy, driven by the government sector.

uThungulu District Municipality : Strengthening Infrastructure

uThungulu District Municipality strives to be an economically viable district, with effective infrastructure that supports job creation through economic growth, rural development and promotion of their rich heritage.