
Articles and insights from featured businesses, industry titans, sector disruptors, c-suite executives, founders, and experts across Africa.

Latest Industry Insights

African Marketplace 2go Leaves Room for Low-End Mobile Technologies

Misconceptions about smartphones in Africa are being disproved by mobile social network, 2go

iWayAfrica Offers Global Bandwidth to Customers in Zimbabwe

Using DiViNetworks, iWayAfrica Offers Global Bandwidth as a Service to Corporate Customers in Zimbabwe

DHL Express : Top Tips for E-commerce in Africa

DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa Vice President of Operations, Oliver Facey talks us through online shopping leading up to the festive season.

Why mHealth Needs to Take Security Seriously

As smartphones become all-capable devices with an app for everything, it is important to define what constitutes a medical device for the purpose of mHealth.

SAP Africa Report: Predictive Analytics Prepare Companies for the Era of Massive Data

Derek Kudsee of SAP Africa assesses how businesses can unlock the value of the networked economy.

Alcatel-Lucent and Ooredoo Algeria in Africa’s First 400G Ultra-Broadband Network

Africa’s first Alcatel-Lucent 400G backbone network is designed to provide maximum capacity and transmission quality necessary to meet growing demand for high-speed mobile bandwidth.

Africa Continues to Attract Global Investors: PwC Infrastructure Report

BP Southern Africa (BPSA), one of the oldest companies operating in South Africa for over 90 years, has completed a major Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) transaction with two new BEE investors

Paarl Media Cape Printing Plant Receives International Recognition

Paarl Media Cape received the international printing award for the Clicks Health and Baby catalogue and commendation for the HomeChoice catalogue at the 2014 European Rotogravure Association Publication Gravure Awards held in Salzburg, Austria.

Ghana Joins Better Than Cash Alliance

The Government of Ghana joined the Better Than Cash Alliance to enhance fiscal transparency and promote financial inclusion for all its citizens.

ViiV Healthcare Announces New Grants in Support of Ending Mother to Child Transmission of HIV

“Supporting projects that bring real change for HIV-affected communities is the reason ViiV founded PACF in the first place,” said ViiV Healthcare CEO Dominique Limet.