Africa Energy Forum: Off the Grid

Editorial Team

The 2nd Africa Energy Forum: Off the Grid meeting will focus on the topical issues concerning rolling out off-grid projects across Africa, while presenting current project opportunities and building on the outcomes of the first successful Off the Grid summit in December, 2016. The first Summit saw lively and informative panel discussions where participants discovered how Africa can and must create an enabling environment for the off-grid sector to truly take off.

Supported by the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS); the British High Commission in Tanzania; USAID Tanzania and the Department for International Development (DFID) – the inaugural meeting attracted more than 250 delegates including the Minister of Energy for Tanzania, H.E. Hon January Makamba; facilitators; off-grid developers; pan-African rural electrification agencies; electricity regulators; eight donor organisations; and finally, international investors and private-sector companies including the likes of General Electric, Standard Bank, Aecom, Africa Grant Advisors, BBOXX and  Copperbelt Energy Corporation.

Topics will include:

·         Mapping Off-Grid and Mini Grid Developments

·         Tackling Risk in Financing Off-Grid Projects

·         The Growth of Energy Storage

·         The Future of Home Solar Technology

·         The Off-Takers’ Perspective

·         The Importance of DFIs in the Off-Grid Sector

·         Inspiring Community Engagement

To find out further details on the programme, visit our website:

To find out more about becoming a commercial partner at this meeting please email: [email protected].


WHEN: 6-8 February, 2018

WHERE: Kampala, Uganda

CONTACT: [email protected]



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