Road Development Kenya Prepares to Open Its Doors

Editorial Team

Kenya has traditionally made no major investments into the infrastructure of city roads, highways and rural roads and this has caused congestion and extremely poor standard of living throughout Kenya.

After decades of under-investment, this fiscal year has seen the Kenyan Ministry of Transport has allocated a budget of US$2.77 billion, the highest budgetary allocation in decades.

Road Development Kenya is a specialised forum discussing the steps to delivering road investments through critical design, construction and maintenance practices.

The forum will be held on 14-15 June, 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya and will provide a unique platform where further momentum is created to drive the private sector coming from Europe, Asia, Middle East & Africa to start creating future consortiums, understanding the bidding process and requirements needed to ultimately win road related projects in Kenya.

Road Development Kenya will include a workshop “Future BIM Implementation Kenya” on 12 June and will address the growing use of BIM technologies in Africa and explore how utilising BIM can ensure that major construction and infrastructure projects are delivered to design specifications, within the agreed timelines and on budget.

Billions of dollars will be spent on Kenya’s roads

The Kenyan Government has, through the National Treasury and alongside transaction advisory teams and the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Framework, taken steps to engage developers and lenders. Road projects have been prioritised by the Government.

$700 million is the estimated budget to be spent on The Nairobi – Nakuru – Mau Summit Highway project. The successful bidder will enter into a 30-year project agreement with KeNHA, and will receive a performance-based service payment.

Meanwhile, US$235 billion and US$35 million will be invested in the BOT of Nairobi-Mombasa Road and the operation and maintenance of Nairobi-Thika Road respectively.

Why take part in Road Development Kenya forum?

This forum will provide critical updates on the procurement of road projects under various schemes.

This unique and timely event will bring together the relevant government bodies, contractors, consultants, banks and solution providers.

For further information about the forum, please visit or contact Jessica Bou Samra at [email protected].

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