4th Annual African Insurance Forum (AIF 2018)

Editorial Team

The African Insurance Forum is the leading event in the insurance industry, offering two days of fresh and exciting content to address the market-critical issues affecting your business today and in the future. Incorporating two days of cutting-edge content, the Forum is the pinnacle of innovation and strategic thinking in the Insurance business.

The African Insurance Forum now in its 4th edition has steadily become a gateway for the global and regional Insurers to establish a local network as they seek ways to increase insurance penetration in the continent.

The 2018 African Insurance Forum will provide delegates with an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the rapidly changing insurance landscape in the growing markets of Africa. Come meet and network with industry leaders who encounter – and solve – the same challenges you see every day.

Join the 4th African Insurance Forum 2018 to hear from the most forward-thinking leaders about which tools and strategies they are implementing and which best practices will bring innovation and digital strategy to the core of your organisation today.  


WHEN: 5-6 April

WHERE: Radisso Blu Hotel Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa

WEBSITE: http://ins.fextons.com/

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