Food & Beverage

Latest Food & Beverage sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Africa.

Latest Food & Beverage Corporate Stories

Berfin : Quality Foods from South Africa

Berfin is hoping to increase its production capacities and export reach even further with the help of its aptitude for continuous improvement and innovation.

Melissa’s The Food Shop : South Africa’s Trendsetters

Working tirelessly to bring a vision for a quality South African food store to life after founding Melissa's 20 years ago, Mark and Melissa van Hoogstraten are an entrepreneurial duo to watch.

Butler Foods : Convenience Foods with a Premium Taste

Having shifted its focus to the convenience food market in response to the growing trend for quick and easy mealtimes, Butler Foods has witnessed exponential growth over the past five years of operation.

VENCO Food Processors : Reaping the Fruits of Labour

With a production volume of 85,000 tonnes of citrus fruit per annum, VENCO Food Processors can proclaim itself as one of the leading market operators in South Africa.

Joburg Market : Keeping Joburg Fresh

Joburg Market (JM) – formerly known as Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market –  has long played a critical role in setting the price barometer for the fresh produce industry in South Africa.

East Africa Wakes up to the Smell of Coffee

Java House is one of a new breed of authentically African businesses embracing global standards of best practice and growing responsibly to meet the needs of Africa's rising middle-class consumers

Pearl Dairy : Stronger Bones, Smarter Minds

Pearl Dairy is contributing to a healthier and stronger Uganda as it leverages huge amounts of scientific expertise and innovation to expand the distribution of its infamous LATO Milk branded products across the country and wider region.

Lobels Biscuits & Sweets : First-Class Standards

The prosperous and dynamic history of Lobels Biscuits & Sweets has been a direct result of continuous improvement and monitoring of the latest industry trends in order to shape the future direction of the brand.

Progroup Holdings Pvt Ltd : Zimbabwe’s Premier Agribusiness

Leading Zimbabwean agribusiness, Progroup Holdings has demonstrated a multifaceted approach to operating in the nation’s fluctuating economic climate since establishment two decades ago.

Tantalizers PLC : Tantalising Innovation

Tantalizers has evolved over the best part of two decades, and continues to leverage its concerted commitment to innovation in order to keep ahead of the industry curve.