Food & Beverage

Latest Food & Beverage sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Africa.

Latest Food & Beverage Corporate Stories

Seaflower Group : Where Freshness Lives

The Seaflower Group has taken its proud history and developed an innovative approach for a new wave of fishing.

South Nyanza Sugar Company : Bringing back the Sweetness

South Nyanza Sugar Company has perfected its ability to deliver clean and mature sugar cane, increasing Kenya’s national sugar production and reducing the country’s dependence on imports.

Cavibel SA (Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling Co.): What We Do, We Do Well

Cavibel SA aims to inspire moments of happiness in supporting the sustainable development of Cape Verde.

Africa Improved Foods : Healthy Children, Healthy Nation

The inclusive business model and ongoing dedication of Africa Improved Foods to regional enrichment has contributed to the Company’s reputation as East Africa’s “social enterprise.”

Ngorongo Tea : Brighter, Brisker and Stronger Tea

Ngorongo Tea is adopting modern processes and an enriching ethos in order to widen the influence of Kenfresh’s brand and products more concertedly across East Africa.

Oserian Development Company : Flowers in Fashion

Oserian Development Company, with a 5,000-acre flower farm, is successfully driving forward an industry very much in fashion.

Kuku Foods East Africa Holdings : The Best KFC on the Continent

Kuku Foods East Africa Holdings, the region’s franchisee of world-renowned KFC outlets, targets improved customer satisfaction and market saturation off the back of a rapid four year evolution.

Bonagui SA : Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Guinea

Bonagui SA, part of Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling Company, looks to inspire moments of optimism and happiness while creating value and making a difference for Guinea Conakry.

Darling Brew : Slow Brewed Craft Beers

Darling Brew has built a reputation for quality around its slow brewing process, creating a wide range of craft beers loved for their flavour and unique characteristics.

Express Support Services Lda : Refuel and Refresh

Express Support Services Lda is the leading catering and support service to the hydrocarbon industry in Angola, providing a taste of home to those onshore and offshore