Energy & Utilities

The latest Energy & Utilities sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Africa.

Latest Energy & Utilities Corporate Stories

Interview: Talking sustainability with Sahara Group

Pearl Uzokwe, Director of Governance and Sustainability at Sahara Group, discusses the definition of and ‘Africa approach' to sustainability

Lesedi Nuclear Services 2019 : Bringing Excellence to EPC

Lesedi is now firmly established as a leading provider of engineering, project management and maintenance solutions for a various sectors.

Opinion: The importance of protecting Africa’s essential energy infrastructure

Derek Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of Energy & Natural Resource Security, Inc, on the challenges and solutions to protecting energy infrastructure

African Energy Chamber to visit China to discus industry investment

The visit aims at further introducing the Chamber to the Chinese market following a series of roadshows organised in China

Eneo : Cameroon’s Electricity Transformer 

Eneo continues to invest in energy infrastructure upgrades and community-driven projects, with its think big, start small approach.

Water Utilities Corporation Botswana : Water Turned Welfare 

Through 800 boreholes, 3,700 employees and 500,000 connections, the Water Utilities Corporation Botswana is serving 2.5 million people.

EGENCO : Malawi Reenergised 

EGENCO represents a paradigm shift in the country’s electricity sector, a move which is facilitating welcome development and investment.

Kenya Power and Lighting Company : Kenya’s Critical Connector 

Kenya Power is completing a number of projects geared towards connecting more consumers and businesses to vital power resources.

Klomac Engineering : Furthering Resource Efficiency

Klomac Engineering has risen to the fore of African utilities, implementing effective water treatment and chemical processes.

Electricidade de Moçambique

Electricidade de Moçambique has been connecting communities for more than four decades, aiming for universal access to power by 2030.