Gecko Namibia : A Vision for A New Namibia
Gecko Namibia is balancing its privately owned wholly Namibian status with a focus on internationally-lucrative joint ventures in order to become a fully-fledged mining house on the continent.
Somika S.P.R.L : Harmonious Mining
The dedication of Somika S.P.R.L to continuous improvement is helping to realise a better tomorrow, both for the company and for the wider DRC economy
Mincon West Africa : The Driller’s Choice
Mincon West Africa has built a reputation upon years of first-hand industry knowledge, creating an excellent opportunity to expand its operations in the future.
LC Packaging : Sustainable Vision
In its 95th year, LC Packaging continues to demonstrate the innovation and drive that has cemented it as the industry leader we see today.
Bonitas Medical Fund : Healthcare to live your Best Life
Bonitas Medical Fund is demonstrating its stability in a difficult market, providing a range of plans and joining forces with other market leaders in pursuit of the best possible service and benefits for its members.
Alubond Global Architectural Facades
The Alubond name is synonymous with architectural expertise on an intercontinental basis, and this reputation continues to be capitalised on in West Africa via the Group’s Global Architectural Facades division.
SC Group : Precision Planning
SC Group is excelling in the creation of futuristic developments in East Africa, continuously fulfilling client objectives and goals in an innovative and measured manner.
Tamarind Group : Catering for Quality
The ever-growing portfolio of restaurants and leisure outlets is ensuring a concerted yet unpretentious rise of the Tamarind Group to the top of Kenya’s hospitality industry.
Musika Development Initiatives : Return on Investment
Musika Development Initiatives is continuing to establish its commercial relationship between the agribusinesses and the smallholder farmers in Zambia after eight successful years in the industry, and is working towards expanding its market development services in the future to aid local business.
Hormuud Telecom Somalia : Communication is Key
The commitment of Hormuud Telecom Somalia to continuous improvement is every bit as socially-driven as it is income-driven as the Company stays true to its mission of connecting Somalia.
Joint Medical Holdings : Progressive Healthcare
Joint Medical Holdings has created a space in South African healthcare to allow top-class care for all, expanding its portfolio to meet the country’s increasing needs.
Cummins Central Supply Chain Operations : Lean Logistics
Cummins Central Supply Chain Operations is leveraging almost 100 years of global experience, and more than 70 years of continental ingratiation to bring optimum supply chain solutions to Africa.
Bassari Resources : A Golden Transition
Bassari Resources’ Makabingui Gold Project in Senegal kick-starts its transformation from a $30 million exploration company into a $500 million-plus gold producer.
Panafrican Equipment Group : Taking Responsibility
Panafrican Equipment Group has a unified vision to become the supplier and service provider of choice across Africa’s mining, construction and agriculture industries.
Mbuyelo Coal : The Homegrown Mining Giant
Mbuyelo Coal has experienced exponential growth within the mining industry, giving back to its local community and providing a service that is second-to-none.