Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers : Flexible Risk Solutions

Editorial Team

Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers is looking forward to a series of technological advancements to usher in the latest phase of a 20-year evolution to the top of the country’s financial domain.


Initiating in 1985 as ZimRe, the business became the largest reinsurance Company in the country, and has subsequently developed to become one of the leading lights in the insurance brokerage sector under the primary ownership of ZimRe Holdings Limited.

With offices spread strategically across the business hubs of urban Zimbabwe, the growth and diversification that the business has implemented over the past two decades has been a result of concerted innovation and creativity, choosing this route over mergers and takeovers to form the smoothest route possible for both the Company and its loyal clients.

“Since formation, Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers has experienced phenomenal growth through adopting competitive strategies which has made it one of the largest locally-owned insurance brokers and a pace setter in the market,” Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers (ZIB) says. “In 1994, ZIB was converted into a Public Company through a secondary listing conducted via the Post Office and in 1995, ZIB set up Reinsurance Brokers International (RBI).”

Arguably its most significant selling point was cemented more than a decade later in 2006 when it became the first and only ISO certified broker in Zimbabwe; a status still held proudly to this day.

Looking forward, this same commitment to business flexibility and offering something unique stands firm, and will be epitomised by a series of technological introductions in years to come; including an extension of its electronic regional services bridging downloads, policies, claims and quotes.


Made up of three core service strands, ZIB’s offering encapsulates all that you would expect from an insurance specialist operating on a national scale. The Company finds a differentiator, however, through the personable approach that is applied throughout its dealings, keeping clients’ wellbeing at the forefront of it all.

The first of the three divisions addresses short-term insurance, incorporating asset policies, fire and allied perils, accident perils, business interruption and self insurance.

Also comprising insurance across areas of transport – engineering, motor insurance, marine and aviation – its short-term services set the tone for arguably its most comprehensive area of expertise, in regards to its employee benefit division.

Dealing with long-term business and, ultimately, employee welfare, the consultancy and secretarial services provide cover insured funds, group life assurance schemes and group funeral schemes; all the while maintaining the same customisable and flexible approach to suit each individual’s needs.

“We do not have a standard approach to longer-term appointments. Instead, we develop a smart and professional service that meets your long-term needs and requirements,” the Company emphasises. “In that light, we continually strive to: be a leading fund consultancy and administrator; create and maintain excellent relationships with clients and the stakeholders; maintain integrity in our dealings at all times by effectively utilising, safeguarding and maintaining the assets and resources under our control and eliminating unnecessary expenditure; be a harbour of proactive solutions with regards to employee benefits; and to uphold the service level agreements.”

The consultancy and secretarial facets combine to fulfil the overriding strategic functions adhered to throughout all claims, to strike the perfect balance between bespoke customer service, and a consistent philosophy and model to underpin it.


The work that goes into administrative efficiencies and the continual compliance with ever-changing legislation is pivotal across both short and long-term services, but vitally also brings into play its third strand; risk management.

ZIB explains: “In its simplest form, risk management means knowing at all times: what your risks are; what they mean in financial terms; what can reasonably be done to eliminate or reduce them; what financial resources you have to absorb them economically; and what insurance is necessary for the potential catastrophes which remain.

“This approach should form the basis of your protection plan and the principles are the same for all enterprises, big and small.”

The ability to apply the very best and most relevant service to each client has stood the Company in good stead in Zimbabwe over the years, built upon its five key pillars of why people choose ZIB; its promise, vision, mission, principles and values.

“Our promise, with all pieces to the puzzle, is to guarantee cost-effective and innovative solutions to risks aligned to your business’s personal needs,” the Company states. “Our vision is to be the preferred broker in the provision of risk management solutions, and our mission is to provide valuable risk management solutions to customers, in line with our principles and values.”

Those principles and values encapsulate integrity, consistency, transparency and empathy through a customer-driven, proactive, innovative, competitive and team-orientated approach, to ensure optimum professionalism throughout all functions.

ZIB concludes: “We commit ourselves to understanding the risks that may affect your wellbeing whether it be on a business or personal level.

“It has been and still is our mandate to guarantee that we do whatever it takes to ensure your insurance issues are catered for as fast as possible. At ZIB we go the extra mile so that you can have peace of mind.”

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