Editorial Team

3521 Business Articles

Billions Ready for Zimbabwean Investment

Top economist, Nevilla Mandimika forecasts the country's economic development at this month's ZimReal Property Investment Forum

The Keys to Retail Success at MozamReal 2018

Founder of Sagaci Research, Julien Garcier and local expert, Jose Castilho of Broll Property Group Mozambique analyse Mozambique's retail outlook

Tradewinds Aviation Services : Flying High

Despite soaring above its competitors, Tradewinds Aviation Services is very much keeping its feet on the ground in the search for continuous improvement and client satisfaction.

Harlequin International Ghana Limited : Setting the Benchmark

Harlequin International (Ghana) Limited provides a market- focused, process-centred service, developing and delivering exceptional engineering solutions to customers through its flagship facilities.

Unity Homes : A Safe and Modern Community

Unity Homes is building exclusive communities in Kenya, looking to take its mission for the creation of safe and secure homes further afield in the near future.

Xaris Developments : Nimble Infrastructure

The expertise of Xaris Developments across areas of project development in power plant and energy infrastructure is mirrored by its ability to drive such services in challenging environments.

Cresta Shopping Centre : Growing People, Growing Places

The expansion and renovation plans of Cresta Shopping Centre remain in-keeping with an overriding mission to enrich the Johannesburg community and to create an unrivalled shopping experience.

Buffalo Coal : Quality Coal

Buffalo Coal has strengthened its operations in South Africa, working closely with the local community and providing quality services.

Gecko Namibia : A Vision for A New Namibia

Gecko Namibia is balancing its privately owned wholly Namibian status with a focus on internationally-lucrative joint ventures in order to become a fully-fledged mining house on the continent.

Somika S.P.R.L : Harmonious Mining

The dedication of Somika S.P.R.L to continuous improvement is helping to realise a better tomorrow, both for the company and for the wider DRC economy