Editorial Team

3521 Business Articles

Transforming Quality Through Intelligent Data and Analytics

Robotic process automation (RPA) and a better, more streamlined and automated collection of data, can really transform businesses across a variety of industries, making them more powerful and efficient.

CIPS : The Changing Face of Procurement

The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply explains why the talents of procurement professionals are now more needed than ever

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) : Investing in Growth

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is unlocking the key to delivering cost savings, improving business transaction efficiency and improving performance metrics.

De Beers Group : The Diamond Standard

De Beers’ Venetia Underground Project in Limpopo, South Africa, champions the symbiotic progress of people, processes, and systems. Due to enter production in 2023, we catch up with Project Director Allan Rodel and examine what makes a mine of the future.

Joint Medical Store : Health From a Higher Power

Joint Medical Store is expanding across Uganda with the sole aim to provide medical products, equipment and services to as many facilities as possible. Executive Director Bildard Baguma tells us more about the company changing the face of the Ugandan medical space.

Inchcape Shipping Services : At the Prow of Global Shipping

Inchcape Shipping Services is the iconic name that is synonymous with the global maritime industry. A historical enterprise embracing modernity, we honour its 175th anniversary with CEO, Frank Olsen.

Syokinet : Internet Across the East

Meeting the needs of a growing technological population, Syokinet is a market leader in providing fast and reliable internet in Kenya. We speak to Executive Director Ian Kasyoki about the company’s drive to maximise coverage across the country.

Vodacom Lesotho : Calling the Kingdom

We speak to Managing Director of Vodacom Lesotho, Mohale Ralebitso, about the company’s products, services and people-centric mission.

AirKenya : Eyes on the Skies Over East Africa

Captain Dino Bisleti, General Manager of the pioneer safari airline, AirKenya, discusses its competitive advantage and future synergies for an unparalleled regional network.

Blantyre Water Board : To Blantyre from Beneath

We take a look at Blantyre Water Board and speak to CEO Robert Hanjahanja about the challenges of pumping water in Malawi.