Editorial Team

3521 Business Articles

East Africa Bottling Share Company : Ambitious Plans in Africa

The East Africa Bottling Share Company (EABSC) plans to invest $500 million in the East African nation as it plans expand its capacity further with the aim of meeting increasing demand within the soft drink industry

KFC Nigeria : Spreading its Wings

Yum! Restaurants International continues to expand KFC’s African footprint. Africa Outlook talks to Bruce Layzell, KFC General Manager New African Markets, about the firm’s growth across the continent and particularly in Nigeria.

Netcare : Helping to Heal South Africa

Netcare strives for quality patient care, grounded by an unwavering commitment to its values.

POPI : The Importance of Protecting Personal Data

Protecting customers' personal information against loss or damage is just as important for companies considering the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act as protecting it against theft and unauthorised access, says Jos Floor, Director of Corporate and IP Law for Floor Swart Incorporated.

KZN Oils : BEE at its Best

Following government's black empowerment efforts, Rajen Reddy, CEO of KZN Oils, has built his dream into a multimillion rand business. He talks to Africa Outlook.

Toplis & Harding : The New Frontier

Africa Outlook talks with Prahlad Nathwani, the man who runs the operations of Toplis & Harding in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Africa Outlook Magazine Issue 01

Issue 01 of Africa Outlook Magazine. The B2B digital publication for c-suite executives and hands-on decision-makers across Africa.

Grandmark International : Ruling Set To Reshape Auto Industry

Africa Outlook talks to Steven Ongchin of Grandmark International about how a landmark court ruling could pave the way for a more open and competitive motor industry.

uShaka Marine World : Shoal Me The Money

Africa Outlook talks life aquatic, fun, theme parks and how to increase footfalls and revenue with Shawn Thompson, the chief executive officer of uShaka Marine World.

Aletia Upstairs : Interview

Africa Outlook meets South African-born singer Aletia Upstairs.