Editorial Team

3507 Business Articles

ViiV Healthcare Announces New Grants in Support of Ending Mother to Child Transmission of HIV

“Supporting projects that bring real change for HIV-affected communities is the reason ViiV founded PACF in the first place,” said ViiV Healthcare CEO Dominique Limet.

Tigo Pesa Returns TZS 3 Billion to Customers

Tigo announced today the first of its regular quarterly payments worth 3bn/- (US $ 1.8 million) to Tigo Pesa users. 

H.S. Jutley Insurance Brokers : Trans-African Insurance

Boasting the ability to handle all classes of insurance ranging from Individual risks, small and medium enterprises to large and complex commercial risks, H.S. Jutley work across general insurance, life insurance and medical insurance policies.

Hutz Medical : Advancing Healthcare Technology

Hutz has seen its medical lighting and equipment become exclusively used in several hospitals across South Africa, testament to their full understanding of the requirements of the African market.

Quality Supermarkets : Home-Grown Grocers

Quality Supermarkets, one of the most prosperous business ventures by Ugandan entrepreneurs, is testament to why determination and hard work, are pertinent ingredients for success.

Pep Clothing : The Fabric of South Africa

Pep Clothing provides insight into the current market conditions for the garment manufacturing industry in South Africa and the company’s biggest achievements as we approach the end of 2014.

Flo-Tek : No-One Carries Water Like We Do

Flo-Tek is led by a group of professional specialists, who each bring a set of specific industry skills and experience to the company.

Nu-Line Elevator Products Pte Ltd : Elevating Business

Nu-Line says each elevator is different, and by offering a tailored design service in-country, they can guarantee customers receive a quality South African product, made by local people.

Motseng-Selmec : Southern Africa’s Strategic Investors

Motseng-Selmec is a diversified investment holding company with investment and operations in property through the property investment and property services boutiques, as well as diversified strategic investments.

Broll Property Management : Some See Windows, We See Opportunities

Broll Property Group a leading commercial property service company in Africa, with offices in major cities and towns across the continent.