Editorial Team

3507 Business Articles

J.R. Goddard Contracting Zimbabwe : Dedicated to Growth

J.R. Goddard Contracting has diversified and expanded its services extensively over the past 32 years, but retains its commitment to sustainability and its people throughout.

Moldon : Taking the Brand Forward

As first-hand experts in the food and drink industry, Moldon continues to actively involve itself in the market in order to gain brand exposure and build a reputation for quality and efficiency.

Kenblest Group : The Right Ingredients for Success

Business has remained steady for Kenblest over the past year and the increased capacities from replacing its ovens and machinery are sure to encourage  future growth in the Kenyan market.

Nampak Bevcan : Unlocking Value Across Africa

Already established as the packaging leader in Africa with operations in 11 African countries outside of SA, Nampak continues to take advantage of the continent’s upward growth trajectory.

Senior Flexonics : The Senior Name in Flexible Manufacturing

The influence of Senior Flexonics in South Africa has grown exponentially over the past 18 years, riding the economic challenges in recent years to remain an internationally renowned partner of choice.

Papercor Holdings : Merchants with National Reach

With flagship SAPPI product, Galerie Art showing huge uptake potential, Papercor continues to make a name for itself in South Africa’s printing and packaging industries.

Coca-Cola Sabco Mozambique : Becoming World-Class Together

With an estimated consumer base of 24 million people in Mozambique, Coca-Cola Sabco has been increasing production capabilities nationwide by stabilising its distribution network and investing in state-of-the-art equipment.

Microelettrica Scientifica : Localisation in Action

Since gaining a presence in South Africa in 2002, Microelettrica Scientifica has successfully adopted a localisation strategy and BBBEE initiatives that will drive local content production.

Gulf African Bank : Opening Doors in Islamic Banking

By re-focusing the bank’s business model on SME and insurance products, Gulf African Bank has continued to grow its name as the Kenyan leader in Islamic Banking.

National Bank of Kenya : Banking on Better

The National Bank of Kenya is focusing on heightened security and convenience-driven innovation in 2015 as it stays true to both its short and long-term goals.