Editorial Team

3507 Business Articles

Coca-Cola Sabco Mozambique : Gaining Momentum through Strategy

With an estimated consumer base of 24 million people, Coca-Cola Sabco Mozambique has been increasing its production capabilities by stabilising its distribution network and investing in state-of-the-art equipment.

Ghana Rubber Estates Ltd (GREL) : Staying Flexible

Ghana Rubber Estates (GREL) has placed a concerted focus on strategic ways to improve efficiencies and increase production for minimal cost.

BBF Safety Group (Pty) Ltd : A Step in the Right Direction

During the course of the past 14 months, BBF Safety Group (Pty) Ltd has sought to diversify its portfolio and attract new customers from a broader range of sectors.

Hillcrest Private Hospital : Quality and Care

A four-pronged approach has reaped dividends for Hillcrest Private Hospital over the past 12 months as the ongoing development, diversification and expansion of the building’s facilities maintained, and even gathered further momentum.

Egoli Gas : The Natural Alternative

Egoli Gas has monitored, adapted to and led the way across the energy and gas sector over the past decade, becoming a significant player in South Africa’s natural gas evolution.

Victoria Commercial Bank : A Credit to Kenyan Banking

Victoria Commercial Bank (VCB) has built upon a successful 2014 with an even more prosperous 2015 as it continues to capitalise on the positive reputation constructed within Kenya’s finance industry.

Appolonia – City of Light : Leaders in Africa’s Urban Future

With representation in 12 of the 25 fastest-growing economies in the world, including Appolonia, Rendeavour is capitalising on Africa’s economic transformation and the subsequent urban development opportunities.

Allied Builders (Seychelles) Ltd : The Premier Player in Construction

Allied Builders (Seychelles) Limited continues to change the face of construction in Seychelles as its innovative approach to the most exciting and challenging of projects opens the door to more and more opportunities on the island nation.

Planning Interiors Ltd : Kenyan Flavours Made International

Planning Interiors is bridging the gap between global expectations and East African identity as the interior design firm of choice in a region that promises to be the final domain for international business migration.

Rainbow Junction Development Company

Rainbow Junction is well on its way to realising its potential of ‘building the capital city to towering heights’, evolving Pretoria’s periphery to levels of infrastructure, grandeur and sustainability previously unseen in the country.