Editorial Team

3521 Business Articles

Emtel : Today’s Convenience, Tomorrow’s Technology

Emtel has established itself as a leading light in modern and futuristic provision of telecoms services, and continues its drive towards 4G technologies and innovative value-add services.

MTN Congo : Reflecting Hope for a Brighter Future

For 16 years MTN Congo, one of Africa’s leading telecoms operators, has been revolutionising advanced technologies and infrastructure development in The Republic of Congo.

ARINT South Africa : Consolidating in a Toughening Economy

The ARINT Group of Companies has expanded in tandem with its growing customer base; with the main objective to provide customers with a solution-driven service.

Mbuyelo Group : Combining Entrepreneurship and Stability

By working on a plan for consolidation and acquisition of further assets to solidify its position in South Africa’s coal mining industry, Mbuyelo Group is to overcome the current commodity slump and retain market stability.

SENET : A Model of Excellence

SENET is offsetting industry-wide struggles to ensure the ongoing and consistent provision of cost-efficient solutions in 2016, staying true to a client-focused commitment to quality that has thrived on the continent for more than 25 years.

Azmet Technology and Projects (PTY) Ltd

For AZMET Technology and Projects, its vast and rapid success has derived from entering the industry with specific solutions to said challenges as its actual business model.

Murray & Dickson Construction : Sustainable Growth Pays Dividends

For more than 30 years, Murray & Dickson Construction (M&D) has been expanding and diversifying its offering across an ever-widening geographic footprint.

STANLIB Fahari I-Reit : Real Estate Innovators

STANLIB Kenya is a leading fund manager in the East African region with a strong track record which has been established over many years of managing assets for a wide array of clients.

GHC Africa Project Management : Construction Without Borders

GHC Africa Project Management has built a prominent and reputable portfolio that spans the continent, representative of its competitive positioning in the industry for the past quarter of a century.

Agro-Marketing & Trade Agency (AMTA) : Improving Access to Horticulture

Agro-Marketing & Trade Agency (AMTA) strives to ensure food security at both a national and household level through the development of the most relevant value-add horticultural investments.