Editorial Team

3507 Business Articles

Pioneering Affordable Energy

Azuri Technologies is well on its way to addressing Africa's critical energy access challenges

Lessons Learned from South Africa’s IPP Programme

Celine Paton, Consultant for Energy & Environment, Frost & Sullivan Africa discusses the lessons other African countries can learn from the South African renewable energy IPP programme

Manufacturing Indaba

The two-day Manufacturing Indaba conference and exhibition takes place between 28-29 June, 2016 at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni

Here Comes the Sun: The Case for Solar Energy in Angola

Zandre Campos, a global entrepreneur emerging out of Africa, is making a major impact through his company, Angola Capital Investments (ACI) recently turning its attention to opportunities in Angola's renewable energy sector

OiLibya : Fuelling Growth on a Continental Scale

Fuelling the growth of its customers, business partners, stakeholders and communities across Africa, The role of OiLibya as a key player in the African energy industry is taking on even more weight in 2016 as its core values of being a truly continental figure sees its physical presence emanate its way across all regions.

Masumali Meghji Insurance Brokers : Pairing Expertise with Innovation

Mombasa-based Masumali Meghji Insurance Brokers Ltd has been able to strengthen and explore growth opportunities at a time when other industry players in East Africa are consolidating.

Airtel Malawi : Telecoms Right on Your Doorstep

The appointment of Charles Kamoto as the new Managing Director of Airtel Malawi marked the start of a new chapter for the company.

RSwitch Limited : Switching to a Cashless Economy

RSwitch continues to fly the flag for Rwanda in bringing the next generation of financing and banking to a country engulfed in the possibilities of a digital revolution.

3M Africa : Regional Restructure Generates Growth

Driven by the continuous economic improvement in Africa, 3M is currently reaping the benefits of restructuring its African business.

HBS Africa Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd : The Engineers of Choice

HBS Africa Consulting Engineers has spent more than three decades honing its high level of experience and technical knowhow, working in some of the continent’s fastest-developing construction markets.